Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pregnancy and Sleep

I have always been a girl who could sleep. In high school, I was the one who slept until 7:20 threw on some clothes and barely made it to school on time. Saturday and Sunday consisted of little more than sleep and football. I remember my Mom being concerned that I wouldn't wake up before noon if I didn't have someplace to be. Since being married to a man who doesn't like to sleep as much as I, I have slept less, but was always able to sneak in a nap here and there. Saturday mornings I would sleep in until 930 or so, but nothing like my teenage years.

Let just say that being pregnant has changed all that! I can sleep like never before. I have been going to bed, well actually falling asleep on the couch at 9:30ish, and sleeping there until 10. I then stumble to bed and immediately fall back to sleep like I never even woke up. I sleep wonderfully until 1:30 when I wake up having to go to the bathroom so badly its like I have forgotten to pee for the past 6 months. I stumble into the bathroom, I have learned to leave the light off it helps the falling back to sleep process, do my business and return back to bed. I sleep until about 5:30 waking occasionally having had some random dream which I never remember. At this time I must pee again. What! I haven't had anything new to drink since before I went to bed and I emptied my bladder like 4 hours ago... What gives. I then return to bed and sleep nicely until Garrett lovely asks me to make his lunch at about 6:45. At 7 when he leaves for work, I go back to bed and can sleep until 9:30 or so. I get up and eat because I am awoken by a feeling that says, "Eat now or you will regret it in 5 minutes." I usually eat a bowl of cereal, the 3 berry blend fake Cheerios from Trader Joe's have been hitting the spot. I wash that down with some Gatorade, and my vitamins that make me gag.

After breakfast, I have been reading a book Abby gave me called Great Expectations. Its great...haha. It breaks the pregnancy down weekly rather than monthly which is helpful. I like it a lot. Did you know that during pregnancy your blood volume grows causing you to gain aprox 4 lbs.? Crazy. Well after my morning reading, some days I take a nap. I have been sleeping on the couch with the wonderfully soft blanket KK gave Garrett and me for Christmas last year. It's a great nap blanket. I can sleep until 11 or 11:30, because by then that awful feeling of eat or die returns. So I eat.

The afternoon passes by with some occasional nausea and the reminder that I must be eat. But I am for the most part normal...

It's the evening that is hard. After I make dinner, eat and do some cleaning up, I am so tired that I must rest. I must say that Garrett has been wonderful and has really been helpful in the chores department. I think he has done the dinner dishes every night for over a week. He is a wonderful man. This is the time that I can be found back on the couch under the fabulous nap blanket, with some sort of a book nodding off here and there in between chapters. I am out cold by 9:30 and the process starts all over again.

Women who work while pregnant are women to be honored. I don't know how they keep their eyes open let alone stay productive. And the whole multiple children thing, how you are this tired and must continue being a Mommy is unbelievable to me! I am thoroughly impressed by Mom's who have little ones and are pregnant. Especially having 2 under 2! :)

All I can say is that I am glad that Garrett had enough wisdom to encourage me to finish school before trying to get pregnant. Finals and pregnancy would have sucked!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I was the SAME way with Caroline when we lived in that building. I think it's something in the vents...And if you think the peeing is bad now, just wait. In the 3rd trimester I literally got up FIVE OR SIX times a night and constantly felt like my bladder was full, even if I just had visited the loo. So anyways, when you get there you'll understand why I said I was tempted to just wear Depends.
