Saturday, September 15, 2007

Pregnancy Week 6

Ok, so I am pregnant! Its very exciting and also very overwhelming. I have been feeling a little nauseous in the evenings, but nothing incapacitating... Garrett is also very excited. He is looking forward to being a Daddy. When I told him I thought I might be pregnant, his response was, "Are you kidding me?" I guess it happened a little sooner than we expected. But, nevertheless, we are overjoyed.

Food Issues:
I love hard boiled eggs. They are a great source of protein and easy to eat on the run. However, I will no longer be eating hard boiled eggs.
I tried the other morning and was unable to finish it. Food Aversions, Here I come! Isn't that sad.
And, I hate taking vitamins, they make me gag. I almost puke every morning when I take them!
I am loving everything Gatorade. It tastes delicious to me, and is much more flavorful than plain water. But don't fear, I am drinking plenty of water too!

So here are some interesting facts about what is happening in the little baby's life:
Fetal Development Week #6
Your baby's heart is dividing into chambers and will soon find a more regular rhythm. Your little embryo is about 0.08 to 0.16 inches from crown to rump (about the size of a BB pellet) and looks more like a tadpole than a human. But it undergoes a tremendous growth spurt this week: Its major organs - including the kidneys and liver - begin to grow; the neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, will close this week; and your embryo's upper and lower limb buds begin to sprout, which will form the arms and legs. The intestines are also developing and the appendix is in place; and its facial features are starting to form, the nostrils are becoming distinct, and the earliest versions of the retinas of the eyes are forming.(

Thats all for now:)


  1. "Ok, so I am pregnant!" is my favorite quote of the week. And I drank GALLONS of Gatorade when I was pregnant with Caroline. Probably more than GALLONS actually. A lot. Good way to hydrate in the mountains. Fun fun blog stuff!

  2. I just have to say that I really really really love that you're going to make me a grandmother...this may, however, feel like the longest 7 1/2 months of my life.
