Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 12

November 12, 2010

I am thankful that we are all in bed and its 9:30 pm. I love that Friday nights consist of dinner and a movie in the living room. We watched "How to Train Your Dragon," and had Elk Stew. I did imbibe a glass of red wine. It was delicious. Family Night Friday Night is something to be thankful for.


  1. Add a theater to the compound because our friday nights are movie nights too! However, we usually do frozen pizza because I like to be lazy on fridays.

    You however, are more domestic than I, so you could do homemade pizza and everyone would be happy.

    Only problem could be princess vs. dragons.

  2. Yes a theatre! Perhaps we can find a middle ground of movies about animas.

    And yes, Most Friday nights a do make homemade Pizza!

  3. Michael and I saw that movie in theaters. LOVED it =)

  4. Kim, I could have guessed Michael would have taken you to this movie... Animated movies have always been his favorite. I remember making fun of him all through our teenage years for going to kids movies alone.:)
